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White Garden Cylinder

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Available In Sizes:

8″ CYL
10″ CYL


A terracotta garden cylinder-shaped pot will fit nicely into any indoor or outdoor space. Terracotta pots are some of the most popular because they can fit all plants and come in different sizes. The white garden cylinder is available in 8” or 10”. The shape is natural-looking and leaves room for many styles. When you think about adding pottery to your design, a cylinder can add dimension and a pop of color, even when it is white with some greenery. You will be surprised what a little pottery can do for your space! 

Every pot is different because it is handmade, and no two come out the same. What better feeling than to say you have a white garden cylinder pot made of one of our best materials that are yours and only yours. A one of a kind, if you will! The cylinder shape gives it personality and makes it unique to your home, when you add plants that look just right.